Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bulletin Inserts

Today was on the frustrating side for me. Jonathan had the day off from school, but both Warren and I had to work. Warren had lots of ways for Jonathan to help him out at the church. Me, I just had to drive to North Grafton and work for four hours...but I was not happy!

Something inside of me just stirred; something was not right. About 11:00, my cell phone rang. It was my little sister telling me that she was scheduled for a CT Scan this afternoon to determine the source of her recent abdominal pain. When we hung up, I almost cried.

Just the "work of the day" was very frustrating. I was trying to work with a new (to me) program to print music for Sunday's service. It became very frustrating, so I decided to do it the old fashioned way, which made me feel inadequate. Ugh. It did get done, but I'm here to tell you that four inserts in any Sunday bulletin are a bit much. They need a songbook of their own!

When I got home, I checked in on facebook. One friend had made the comment, "Doesn't seem like thirteen years. Still love you and miss you." I thought, "Who could she be talking about?" Then it hit me; she was talking about her father - one of my best ever friends in the entire universe - and that was frustrating that I didn't remember the date. But I remember Larry.

The first time I met Larry I thought he was one of the biggest dorks who ever walked on the face of the earth. Then I met his girlfriend, who was such a perfect match for him, I could not believe it! We all went out one night. I wore a fashionable mini skirt and platform heels. Debbi wore blue jeans and a sweatshirt. We hated each other.

Time wore on, and we became very close and wonderful friends. Through many trials, Larry and Debbi were always there for me. And they loved Warren. Oh, how they loved Warren! When Larry died very suddenly, I was devastated. And right after his funeral, Debbi was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. She was sedated for over a week to clear and heal her lungs. It was such a traumatic time for her two girls. Somehow, they (and I and Les and so many others) all survived it. Debbi thankfully recovered, and I cherish our friendship still.

The girls have grown, but we still try to keep in touch. It's hard, being so far away...besides the fact that one of them is teaching in Korea! But they know how to reach me, and once in awhile we connect.

How am I feeling now? Much better, having put these worries and frustrations in writing. 

Make new friends, but keep the old. 
One is silver but the other gold!

If you're reading this, thanks. On this day before Thanksgiving, 2009, count your blessings and never forget those who helped make you and bring you to where and who you are today.

Blessings and love.

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